We are Geography UdeC

Aldo Villaseca
Geography Lab Manager
- avillaseca@udec.cl

- Physical Geography

Carla Dalidet Contreras
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Secretary (MAG y DETSur)
- cdalidet@udec.cl
- +56 41 266 1581

- Human Geography
Dr. Carlos Cornejo Nieto
Associate Professor
- carlcornejo@udec.cl
Area of Research
- Geographic Imaginaries
- Critical Interculturality
- Mountain Territories
Area of Research
- Cryosphere - Mountain Geography
- Geodesy, GIS, and remote sensing
- Natural Hazards
Dr. Ianire Galilea Salvador
Associate Professor
- igalilea@udec.cl

- Human Geography
Dr. Jaime Rebolledo Villagra
Academic Collaborator
- jairebolledo@udec.cl
Mg. Leticia Astudillo Reyes
Assistant Professor
Undergraduate Program Chair
Training Unit Coordinator
- letiastudillo@udec.cl

Manuel Rodriguez
- manuelrodriguez@udec.cl

- Physical Geography
Dr. María Alejandra Elgueta
Associate Professor
- maelgueta@udec.cl
Area of Research
- Mountain Rivers
- Fluvial Geomorphology
- Human Impact

- Geotechnology
Area of Research
- Spatial Data Infrastructure
- Geoportals
- Usability

- Physical Geography
Dr. Maríajosé Herrera Ossandón
Associate Professor
- maherrera@udec.cl

- Geotechnology
- Human Geography
Area of Research
- Food safety
- Climate Change
- Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

- Geotechnology
MsC. Oscar Cifuentes Zambrano
Assistant Professor
- oscifuen@udec.cl

- Geotechnology
Lic. Patricia Virano Reyes
Instructor Professor
- pvirano@udec.cl
Area of Research
- Geography of Elders
- Geography of Health
- Geographic Information System (GIS)

- Human Geography
Dr. Paula Quijada Prado
Associate Professor
Director Master in Geographic Analysis
- paulaquijada@udec.cl
Area of Research
- Historical Urban Geography
- Housing Policies
- Economic and Social Geography

Pedro Ferreira Monares
- pferreira@udec.cl

- Human Geography
Mg. Rodrigo Sanhueza Contreras
Assistant Professor
Department Chair
- rsanhue@udec.cl
Area of Research
- Land Management
- Urban Planning
- Citizen Participation

- Human Geography
Ph.D. Sandra Fernández Castillo
Associate Professor
- sandrafernandez@udec.cl
Area of Research
- Theories of development
- Critical Epistemologies
- Gender and Feminist Studies

- Geotechnology
- Human Geography
Area of Research
- Economic Geography
- Geographies of Innovation
- Creative Industries

- Geotechnology
- Human Geography
Dr. Voltaire Alvarado
Associate Professor
Director of the Doctorate in Territorial Studies of the Global South
- voalvarado@udec.cl
Area of Research
- Geographical Theory and Thought
- Territory and Properties
- Legal Geography

- Human Geography
Area of Research
- Housing
- Urban Peripheries
- Social Production of Habitat

Ximena Andrea García Pacheco
Department Secretary
- ximgarcia@udec.cl
- +56 41 220 3233