We are Geography UdeC


A program that trains researchers with a territorial perspective, capable of addressing the diverse and growing problems that are evident at the local, national and regional levels.

This program seeks to develop spatial thinking or a spatial view of reality applied to different areas and scales such as urban-social phenomena of city growth, sustainability, mobility, transportation and globalization at different spatial scales and physical-natural phenomena of the territory such as mountain systems, hydrographic basins, landscapes and socio-natural risks from the perspective of geographic analysis.

A program that deepens in the analysis and management of sustainable urban processes, aimed at urban design and management, based on solid theoretical and conceptual knowledge that will allow students to intervene at a local scale, understanding the associated social, environmental and economic dynamics. An integrative approach and a long-term strategic vision are pursued.

The Master’s Program in Management and Resilient Architecture for Disaster Risk Reduction (MAGAR) is a professionalizing postgraduate program, under a holistic, systemic and technical-scientific vision, which promises an interdisciplinary, comprehensive and inclusive approach. It is based on the conception that the interaction between the design, planning and management of the territory, with its social and cultural fabric, is an essential component for disaster risk reduction, in a context of uncertainties.

The Diploma in Design and Management of Sustainable Urban Projects proposes to complement the delivery of theoretical content with practical work, whose objective is to decant the knowledge acquired through the development of a design exercise that responds to the current and real needs of a region. The methodology focuses on the development of multidisciplinary work dynamics, leading to generate a proposal for the design and management of sustainable urban projects for regional development. This program is part of the catalog of academic offerings of the Competitive Fund for the Training of Municipal Officials, through the Subdere Training Academy.

The Master’s Program in Industrialized Wood Construction (MCIMA) of the Faculty of Engineering (FI), in conjunction with the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Geography (FAUG) of the University of Concepción, responds to the challenge of training graduates capable of promoting the adoption of industrialized wood construction as a key option in the transformation of the construction industry, at a national, Latin American and global level, through specialized training in industrialized wood construction and training in entrepreneurship and innovation for the design and implementation of industrialized wood construction projects and the creation of innovative initiatives and businesses based on this discipline.

The Diploma in Sustainable and Industrialized Wood Construction seeks to deepen and update the theoretical and practical knowledge that supports the construction in this material, based on sustainability and industrialized processes, thus allowing to train professionals capable of applying the basic principles of the physics of construction when designing and constructing durable and quality wood buildings.

The Master’s Program in Regional Sciences is of an academic nature, and proposes as central axes of the training process the critical and interdisciplinary analysis of regional processes on the economy, regional society and ecology within the framework of the asymmetrical interrelations and interdependence of the regions with the national and international reality.

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