We are Geography
Universidad de Concepción

Welcome to Geography UdeC
From the Bío-Bío riverbanks, Geography UdeC welcomes you to explore the world. Our faculty in Physical Geography, Human Geography and Geotechnologies, are revolutionizing the way we understand and interact with our local, regional and global environment. Want to be part of this exciting challenge? Discover our cutting-edge research, meet our faculty and join our community – the future of geography awaits you!

Visualize your future in Geography UdeC
“Geography UdeC's outstanding academic and administrative team is committed to excellence in both undergraduate and graduate education, as well as in applied research. We contribute to the advancement of knowledge and foster strong connections with our environment.”

Mg. Rodrigo Sanhueza
Department Chair
“Geography UdeC trains professionals to critically and responsibly analyze, understand, and engage with diverse spaces, recognizing the crucial role of geography in building a more just and equitable future.”

Mg. Leticia Astudillo Reyes
Undergraduate Program Chair